
Donna Kotsopoulos – A radical re-engineering of mathematics education

Guest blogger: Donna Kotsopoulos Recent international and national standardized tests suggest that mathematical ability in Canada is on the decline. There is other evidence, too. Fewer students are completing mathematics degrees. Retention in those degrees is very poor. Many students that endure, struggle in their studies and require lots of additional resources to succeed. Women […]


Fiona Deller – Need to Read No. 3: Dystopian futures, edtech roundup and the social responsibility of universities

One of the many things we do at HEQCO is read the trades. We try to keep up on the latest research, as well as the media commentary, relevant books and the blogosphere. We read the good, the bad, the controversial and the bland. This year, we thought it might be nice to share with […]


Harvey P. Weingarten – Managing for Quality: Classifying Learning Outcomes

My previous contributions on “managing for quality” have addressed the challenges of shifting away from our current policy of managing for access and why learning outcomes is a game changer in the higher education world.   To use learning outcomes productively to improve higher education, and to clear up some of the confusion in the current […]


Varun Vig – Pathways: From priority neighbourhood to postsecondary education

Guest blogger: Varun Vig Postsecondary access has long been a research priority for HEQCO. Our current focus is on the participation of students from underrepresented groups. Following is a blog on the experiences and pathways of Torontonian Varun Vig. Is accessing a higher education the same experience for all students, irrespective of socio-economic backgrounds? Considering […]